
Frankfurt, District Hoechst

Inn, Restaurant

Zum Baeren

Inn • Restaurant

Address: Höchster Schlossplatz 8, 65929 Frankfurt
Phone: +49 69 309343

Open: please call or visit homepage. Opening hours may have changed.

1st visit:  12.07.2009 with friends; the food was very tasty!
2nd visit: 31.07.2010 with a colleague; again everything was very tasty!

I am very rare in this area, so I have not been here for a long time …

Disadvantage: as a non-smoker you cannot eat outside as recommended on the website, because then your appetite will quickly disappear.
So either eat indoors or avoid the restaurant.

Keyword list: 2010, Gastronomy, HTTPS, Hoechst, Homepage, Höchst, WWW, Website